What should I know about rabies?
Rabies is caused by a virus that can be carried in all warm-blooded animals. Wild animals such as raccoons, bats, skunks and foxes are most commonly the carriers, and can transmit the virus through their saliva. These animals may infect a person or household pet if there is contact that involves a bite and breakage of skin.
All animal bites, regardless of whether from a household pet or wild animal, should be reported to Thornton Animal Control or Police Department by calling 9-1-1.
Animal Control is charged with recording all incidents of animal bites in the city. Furthermore, they can assist you in locating the animal that caused the bite. It is important to know which animal caused the bite because it may need to be quarantined for a prescribed length of time for observation, regardless of vaccination history. Adults should caution children to use care when being approached by strange animals.
Adams County Health Department can also provide advice on animal bites and rabies, and can be contacted at 303-220-9200.
All dogs and cats over the age of six (6) months are required by City code to be vaccinated against rabies.