Knowledge Base

Who do I contact about construction site stormwater?

Thornton regulates many activities on construction sites that can impact or degrade the water quality of stormwater. If you see any of the following activities, please contact Infrastructure Engineering Services. 

  • Vehicles tracking mud or dirt into the street.
  • Concrete trucks being washed and discharging concrete waste into the street or storm drain, ditch or any stormwater system.
  • Construction sites inappropriately storing materials or construction waste.
  • Construction debris outside of trash containers or trash and waste containers being stored on pedestrian and/or public right-of-way.
  • Construction equipment left in the public right-of-way or equipment leaking fluids.
  • Any discharges from construction sites during or after a rain or snow event, which leave mud or debris in the street, sidewalks, streams, or other discharge ways.

Please provide your name, telephone number, address, location of the pond and as much detailed information as possible. If you believe there has been illegal dumping, please call 303-538-7517 or submit a request through Code Enforcement/Illicit Discharges.

Updated 8/19/2024 12:30 PM
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