Knowledge Base

Who do I contact about storm drain discharges?

It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or cause to be discharged into the storm drainage system of the city any polluting material or any other material which is not composed entirely of stormwater, except for the following categories:

  • Landscape irrigation, lawn watering, diverted stream flows, irrigation return flows, rising ground water, uncontaminated ground water infiltration, uncontaminated pumped ground water, flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, water line flushing, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains, individual residential car washing, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and water incidental to street sweeping. 

For questions pertaining to illicit discharges, please call 720-977-6210 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., business days. A recorded message may be left at this number, which will be reviewed by city personnel and acted upon accordingly the next business day. Please leave your name, telephone number, address, location of problem, and as much detailed information as possible.  To report information on someone who is discharging an unknown substance into the storm drain, other than the categories listed above, contact police dispatch at 720-977-5150.

Updated 4/9/2018 10:55 AM
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