Knowledge Base

How do I obtain a city of Thornton business license?

All persons engaged in business in the City are required to have a City Sales and Use Tax Business License. 

The City's Revenue section is responsible for issuing sales and use tax licenses for all businesses in Thornton. You must obtain a sales and use tax license prior to opening your business. To obtain an application packet, please call 303-538-7400 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or register online at (external link). There is no fee for a City of Thornton Sales and Use Tax Business License. For more information, please visit the City's Business Licensing Page (external link).

Some types of businesses may be operated in your home. Generally a business that is just operating an office where no customers are coming to the house, is permitted. If your business is a retail shop, it may not be operated in a residential area. If you have specific questions on operating a business in your home, contact the City Development Department at 303-538-7295. If you are planning to sell alcoholic beverages in your business, you must contact the City Clerk's Office at 303-538-7367 for more information and an application packet.

Updated 8/23/2024 2:12 PM
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